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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

House On Fire

House On Fire

Oil on Birch panel, 2012, 5"x 5"


This is another view of the house in Detroit I saw burn down. The smoke coming off of the building was intense as the fire ate the house from the inside out. Houses all contain their own histories and memories inside them, this one after the rubble is cleared away will have had its history erased, and its too bad. This was one of the last houses on the block, I'm sure the other homes died a similar death. A whole neighborhood burned to the ground, house by house, years apart. Everyone remembers the Great Chicago Fire or the fires that destroyed Atlanta or San Francisco, and Hurricane Katrina that destroyed  a large portion of New Orleans.  No one will remember these Detroit house fires individually even though they have been equally, if not more destructive, and have the nation rally around our community. Its just history lost, without ever making history.


Stephen Magsig said...

Wow, thanks for sharing the painting and the story, so true.

Unknown said...

Thanks Steve, yeah, we know this story all too well.

Anonymous said...

so sad the house on fire your are great artist and you also are doing a great job
Painting Company

Unknown said...

Thank you Michael.