Oil on birch panel, 2010, 5"x 5"
Todays painting is a couple of dudes back when they were just young dudes. Everyone one has a photo like this, either of your father and you're shocked at how young he looks or of yourself and again shock at the picture of youth. Why these guys are trying to shine up an already sun bleached car is anyones guess, love combined with youthful exuberence probably. This is another found photo, a friend has posted an album of these on facebook and they are endlessly inspiring.
Andrew - This is my fave so far of your daily paintings. I blew it and did not purchase it, and now I a have a serious case of "non-buyer's remorse"! The composition is really great with the car and trailer, and it's a neat snapshot in time. First thing I do everyday now when I go to work is check your blog to see your painting du jour, so please keep up the good work! Signed - Pete from Dexter, MI.
Thanks alot Pete! Thats the kind of comment that will keep a guy painting. One thing I like about these snapshot paintings is giving the people in them a new chance at immortality. The photo has lasted awhile and hopefully the painting will last a lot longer.
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